Development snapshots

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How to obtain a snapshot of a recent development revision

These snapshots may contain untested features and code changes, so please be aware of potential breakage. The developers try their best to submit fairly stable code, but bugs will happen. If you are daring enough to try the latest code, please continue reading.

Snapshots are available at

For the latest snapshot go to

Snapshot filename convention is: openqm-gpl-dev-<stable version number>-r<SVN revision>.tar.gz

Please submit bug reports and test case results to the developer mailing list to help accelerate the availability of pre-release and stable versions.

The change log current with the latest snapshot is available here:

How to unpack a snapshot

The snapshot is a gzipped tar file. The simplest way to extract the files is to use the following command:

tar -zxf current-dev-snapshot.tar.gz

You can also decompress the file first and then extract the files:

gunzip current-dev-snapshot.tar.gz

tar -xf current-dev-snapshot.tar.gz

The tar will extract the entire OpenQM bundle and gplsrc root into the current working directory.

Example process:

cd /tmp/

mkdir /tmp/openqm-snapshot/

cd /tmp/openqm-snapshot/


tar -zxf current-dev-snapshot.tar.gz

How to build a new copy of OpenQM GPL from a snapshot

First, stop any instances of OpenQM using "qm -stop". Please verify that qm is not running before you attempt to do any of this!

After extracing the snapshot, simply build the distribution like you would the stable release.

You will need a C compiler and the 'make' system in order to build.

Run 'make' from the snapshot root to build the binaries. They will be located under ./bin/ after linking.

Once the binaries are built, copy ./bin/qm to either /usr/bin/ or another user binary directory listed in your environment path.

Copy everything except the ./gplsrc/ directory to /usr/qmsys/.

Run 'qm -start' to start OpenQM.

Change to the /usr/qmsys/ directory and run 'qm -internal'. You will need to rebuild the GPL.BP sources, including the QMBASIC compiler. The steps in this process should be strictly followed to avoid the possibility of breaking your QMBASIC compiler and install. This is normally required only when SYSCOM.H is changed, but it is a good general habit to gain if you plan on building snapshots often.

After logging in using 'qm -internal', under /usr/qmsys/, rebuild the files in the following manner:


2) Exit out of QM

3) Log back into OpenQM again using "qm -internal"


5) Recompile any applications that need new features or changes provided by the new snapshot. It is best to recompile ALL of your application code if possible.

6) * * * Much Rejoicing * * *

How to upgrade an existing OpenQM GPL install from a snapshot

First, stop any instances of OpenQM using "qm -stop". Please verify that qm is not running before you attempt to do any of this!

If you do not want to include the distributed ACCOUNTS item, then delete the ./ACCOUNTS/ and ./ACCOUNTS.DICT/ directories from the unpacked tar. If you do not remove these directories and copy everything to /usr/qmsys/ then you will overwrite your existing account configs.

After extracing the snapshot, simply build the distribution like you would the stable release.

You will need a C compiler and the 'make' system in order to build.

Run 'make' from the snapshot root to build the binaries. They will be located under ./bin/ after linking.

Once the binaries are built, copy ./bin/qm to either /usr/bin/ or another user binary directory listed in your environment path.

Copy everything except the ./gplsrc/ directory to /usr/qmsys/.

Run 'qm -start' to start OpenQM.

Change to the /usr/qmsys/ directory and run 'qm -internal'. You will need to rebuild the GPL.BP sources, including the QMBASIC compiler. The steps in this process should be strictly followed to avoid the possibility of breaking your QMBASIC compiler and install. This is normally required only when SYSCOM.H is changed, but it is a good general habit to gain if you plan on building snapshots often.

After logging in using 'qm -internal', under /usr/qmsys/, rebuild the files in the following manner:


2) Exit out of QM

3) Log back into OpenQM again using "qm -internal"


5) Recompile any applications that need new features or changes provided by the new snapshot. It is best to recompile ALL of your application code if possible.

6) * * * Much Rejoicing * * *