Wish list
Things we need or want.
If you can do this for the project pop your name by it to claim the job, and contact the Dev mailing list.
To keep in touch with this slowly evolving agenda register, making sure your preferences[1] include "E-mail me when a page on my watchlist is changed", and that you are logged in, and click the "watch" tab at the top of this page.
- Accumulate Existing bugfixes into subversion - IMPORTANT; Can anyone with existing bug fixes please email Admin Team or commit them into our subversion trunk HOWTO. (1 Done Thanks Ashley)
- Makefile - TAKEN - Diccon (Thanks to Andruk Tatum for the Original on Google group, only minor tweaks to get working on our source)
- Lastest version DEB package
- QM API list compression
- XML Database layer
- XQuery Engine
- Specific flavoured compatibility modes (eg D3 mode, Sequoia mode)
- Code porting program, similar to jBase's PORT.BAS (ideal for Perl regexp?)
- QM BASIC Subversion client wrapper - Simple way to get Pickies onboard. - TAKEN - Karaken12 I've already done this, although it does need some cleaning up.
- QM Virtual File System (VFS) for some SQL database(s)
- Pref to set SCROLL option as default ON for all access statements
- "FOR EACH" BASIC syntax (Like perl and other languages)
Svn Linux howtoDoneLogoSee LogoAdd Google AnalyticsDoneKeywordsDone Keywords
- Sort /var/www or Apache so we dont have to multi sym link to get dirs visible. - TAKEN - DanW I'll sort this, I think a simple landing page with links to the various bits of the system will simplify our directory structure somewhat.
*ftp access? (not sure if we need this) TAKEN - DanW - I can set up SFTP access, somewhat more secure than FTP See SFTP
- SVN compatibility/capability with hashed files
*A proper Bug Tracker. This page will do for now, but it would be much better to have a real tool. - Bugzilla up
General Bright Ideas
- point SORTWORK to a RAMFS mount, would provide very fast sort handling. (Ashley notes: Altering the SORTMEM parameter does the same)
- A bit blue-sky, but something I've wanted to work on for ages: full Unicode support.
- Construct a "High performance" benchmark and tuning section